Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Planning for Web Marketing

In this section of Entrepreneur's Blog

· Business Plans at a Glance
· Establishing Goals for Your Site
· Specifying Objectives for Your Web Site
· Understanding Market Segmentation
· Understanding Why People Buy
· Reaching Your Market Online


If you own an existing storefront you already have a business plan, which puts you ahead of the game. Creating a business plan is just as crucial for online presence as it provides a focus, combined with strategy, tactics, a marketing plan and financial forecasts, to mention just a few. Most business plans include some variation of the following sections:

1. Summary

2. Description of Business (type of business and goals)

3. Description of Product or Service

4. Competition (online and offline)

5. Marketing ( target market, needs, objectives, methods, promotion)

6. Sales Plan/Source of Income: (pricing, distribution channels, networks, associations)

7. Operations ( Facilities, staffing inventory) – if you are selling products

8. Operations (Advertising costs, membership/association fees) – if you provide a service

9. Management ( key players and board)

10. Financial Data (financing, financial projection, legal issues)

For more detailed information and sample business plans visit


To locate your area’s small business support office visit


Before you state the goals of your website, you must be clear about the goals of your business. Your website is the tail and your business is the dog. Let business needs drive your Web plans, not the other way around.

Your answers to a few basic questions establish the marketing framework for your site. Answer the questions is Website Planning Form here. www.dummies.com/go/webmarketing

These questions apply to any type of business and is a great way to give you clarity on what you are trying to achieve.

After all, only through clarity can you gain FOCUS!

Here are some examples of questions:

(A)General Profile:

>>Is the website for new or established business?
>>Does the company have an existing website/brick & mortar

>>What type of business is the website for?

(retail, service provider, professional)
>>What does the company sell (goods/services)? Describe it.
>>What type of range does the company have? (Local, regional,

national, international)

(B)Web Site goals: Ranked in order of importance to you.

__Lead Generation/ qualifying prospects
__Sales Revenue
__Ad Revenue
__Internal Needs

***Unless you have a large enough budget and staff to handle the demands of marketing to multiple audiences, select only one or two of these goals. You can add others later after benefits from your site start flowing to your bottom line.***

(C)Financial Profile:

Break Even Point................$________Within: ________
Return on Investment........._______% Within:________
Website Budget for First Year
Outside Development: $ __________
Special Elements (video) $ __________
Marketing: $ ___________
In-house labour $ ___________
Other Materials $ ___________
TOTAL $ ___________

(D)Sample Objectives:

Repeat for each goal within timeframe specified

(for example 1 year)
Traffic objective (#of viewers per month) ____ within _____
Conversion objective: __________ within ______
Sales Objectives: __________ within _____
Average $ per sale $_________ within ____
$ Revenue per month $ ________ within ____
Other objectives specific to your site $ ___ within _______

(E)Marketing Profile:

1.Describe your target markets. Give specific demographic or segment information. For B2B, segment by industry or job title.

2.What is your marketing tag? Imagine your slogan and business purpose combined in one sentence. If it helps, think of your tag as the essence of what your business is about. Here are some famous ones you will recognize, to jog your brain storming for your own TAG. Note how major brands do not combine their business purpose, as it is assumed people know what they are about. As a start up business, your tag will be your future branding pillar, so choose wisely. No pressure eh?!

I will give you the brand tag first, followed by ( >>) a Start -Up business version. Put your thinking cap on, and jot down any random ideas you have as you read the list. Don’t worry about repetition and off beat ideas. Keep writing. You can pick and chose the ones that are good later!

*Fido: The Home of Low Prices.
>>Mike’s Body Shop: Reliable Service at Affordable Prices. (show benefits not features to your audience)

*Bell: The Future is Friendly
>>C-Mart: Your Neighbourhood One Stop Shop

*Home Depot: The Know How People
>>Sparkle Window Cleaners: Enjoy your view.

*Maytag: The Blue Team. My personal favourite. I think 80% of people would figure out that it represents (Company) –washing machines, (Team) customer service of some type. Repair/installation to be exact.
>>Geek Squad: At Your Call Tech Support.

*Pentene: Salon Look Everyday
>>Cleopatra Salon: Beauty at Your Fingertips.

*Loreal: Beauty doesn’t have to hurt.

(targeted to a line of anti-wrinkle skin creams for females 50+)
>>Lee’s Nail Salon: When you want to look your best.

*Loreal: Because I’m worth it!

(hair color for females 30-40)
>>Healthy Living Outlet: Shine from within.

* Swifer: The Quicker Picker Upper.

( A disposable duster for all ya men !)
>>Laundry bags: We do it faster!

* Chivas: Live with Chivalry !

( if you have ever seen the commercial for this drink it is amazingly targeted not only to males 30+, but it appeals to the pride of men and the desires of women) I would love to shake the hand of the person that came up with this one!

*Desorono: Spread the pleasure! ( in the commercial, a 30 ish female is sipping a drink sensually with seductive eyes) again: Branding-positioning the product as pleasurable. It may not fit your taste pallet, but I bet if you saw the bottle at a bar...8/10 you will recognize and pick it, just to try. With a very specifically targeted message you got your audience hook-line-and sinker!

>>Luna Spa: The Home of Relaxation and Pleasure. If your business name already entails what you do, (spa) you will have an edge on maximizing your marketing tag. It is more functional when it comes to recognition and allows you to focus on your message. If Luna Spa was called Luna Retreat, your tag would change to...Luna Retreat: Total Body Care. Can you guess why? ..... Retreat can mean a vacation spot, time-share options, or an old folks home for all we know at first glance. So instead of focusing on my message (Relaxation and Pleasure) I now have to define what I do first. The devil hides in the details ladies and gentlemen. Remember the golden rule of 7? Marketing tags must be on the money within max 7 words!

*ING: Your Money Does Matter
>>Cornerstone Investments: Certainty in uncertain times.

*Ferrero Roche: Made by the Gods ...Pretty bold statement for wafers and chocolate. But in the grand scheme of things its where you position yourself that really counts.
>>Aunt Edna’s Cookies: For Life’s Little Temptations.

Learn from the pros! They already put the brain power and the huge amounts of money into research.

Keep your marketing tag focused and simple with a message that is universally understood. Once your company rises in the ranks and becomes a house hold name, than your tag will change to that of positioning in the market.

Worth noting when you write your own tag.

*Use action words that are descriptive.

*Keep it to max 5 words. This is important for many reasons. Average human recollection is 7 words. Your aim is to “imbed it” into people’s minds. In later stages of your business development this tag will act as your branding: it will appear in publications, you should consistently add it to your logo, business correspondence, the first page of your website, and any other place your customers see you at regularly. In short it has to be memorable and reproducible for publication.

*Get a very clear focus on what message you want it to convey. With major brands, they are merely positioning themselves according to market demand. Low prices, better service provider, no contracts, basically any aspect that reflects their edge over the competition. No one can please everybody, hence the importance of segmenting your offering to a niche market.

* Even if your business plans don’t include name recognition (though it should at any level of operation) tags help you define your exact business goal, which in turn feed further plans for marketing plans, sales plans, future developments, positioning in your specific industry and so on. I call my tag my holy grail. It reminds me every day what my focus is. (MyIdeaFactory: One Stop Solution to Business Growth) Your tag should do the same for you!

3. Value Proposition: Why should someone buy from your

company rather than another?

4. Name at least 4 competitors and their Web sites.

Now that you have outlined your business goals, you need to decide what your Web site must accomplish from a marketing perspective. The goals you set for your site plus the definition of your target market should drive both your Web design and marketing.


This is the part where the rubber hits the road. Your well defined goals come to life through specifying the criteria that satisfy them. That means establishing measurable objectives. First, plug in your numbers from your Financial Profile. (Break Even Point, Return on Investment, and Budget). Your budget and ROI expectations might constrain how much you can spend on marketing, hence how much traffic your Web site will receive. Take this into consideration as you specify numeric targets and time-frames to accomplish them. Don’t doom your site to failure from the get go by setting unrealistic objectives.

Tracking your data for a 13 month period so you can compare same date results. Almost all businesses experience some cyclical variation tied to the calendar. Here are some examples of goals and their measurable counterparts to help you get started.


*Managing Customer Service Number of phone calls/e-mails, amount of traffic to various pages, hours of site use, cost savings, time savings

*Branding Onsite traffic, time onsite, activities performed, coupons/offers downloaded, gross revenues

*Generating Qualified Leads Number of phone calls and e-mails. Conversion rate (CR) of visits to leads, CR of leads to sales as compared to other lead sources, traffic to various pages, number of e-mail addresses acquired, cost of customer acquision

*Generating Online Sales CR of visitors to buyers, sales revenue, average dollar value of sale, number of repeat buyers, profit from online sales, promo code use, sales closed offline that are generated form Web

*Generating Ad Revenue Ad revenue, click through rate, page views per ad, traffic to various pages, visitor demographics

*Measuring Internal Goals CR for various actions, site traffic, other measurements specific to your own goals

*Transforming the business Site revenue, costs, profits, time savings, costs savings, , other measurements specific to your own goals


Market Segmentation : dividing your prospects into smaller sets of prospects who share certain characteristics, takes many different forms. Select the one that best fits your business. For your online marketing plan you need to locate the various sites on the web where your target audiences hang out. You need to know who they are!

Here are a few forms of marketing segmentation:

1-Demographic Segmentation: Sorts by age, gender,

socioeconomic status, or education for B2C companies.

2-Lifecycle Segmentation: Acknowledges that consumers need different products at different stages of their life (teens, young singles, married couples, families with kids, empty nesters, active retirees, frail elderly)

3-Geographic Segmentation: Targets areas. Postal Code >City>Province> National>International

4-Vertical Industry Segmentation: Targets all elements within a defined industry as a B2B strategy.

5-Job Segmentation: Identifies different decision makers (such as engineers, purchasing agents, and managers) at specific point of the B2B sales cycle.

6-Specialty Segmentation: Targets a narrowly defined market ( such as 16-35 year old male owners of classic Mustangs)

Your online target audience may differ slightly from your offline audience. It might be more geographically diverse, wealthier, older, younger, more educated, more motivated by price than features or vice versa. The only way to discover these variations is from experience. Use the guerrilla tactic (one aim, or segment at a time).

Two reasons for this:

1. It is cheaper and more manageable to take on one segment at a time

2. It allows for true evaluation, and as you add new segments each will be measurable individually.

To give you an example of how to measure different segment successes, in terms of your marketing efforts, here are two scenarios.

1)Segment is Vertical industry: Web Marketing & New Media Websites with an aim of B2B strategy.

As part of my efforts to build readership I create online presence for my blog (MIF) on various Web sites. I do this through leaving comments with my blog link on industry specific pages. In my Website administration, I set up a system to track all incoming clicks from the sites I left the comments on. Also called “trackbacks”. But I prefer to call it “my little bread crumbs” that leads people to me. Let’s call these incoming trackbacks my : B2B-List. I further break it down to categories that suite me such as B2B List>Online service providers, B2B List>Resource & Content providers and so on. Since trackback gives me the page address it was generated from, I file it in each subcategory of my B2B List. In time this is what the results are.

B2B List:
Online service providers:

Website #1 52 hits
Website#2 35 hits
Website#3 63 hits

Resource & Content providers:

Website #1 85 hits
Website#2 64 hits
Website#3 98 hits

I can than conclude that leaving comments on Resource and Content providers’ Web sites—dealing with Web Marketing & New Media, will generate more incoming traffic for me. Which makes sense, because my Blog is geared towards providing content-not selling online services. I now have an audience of like minds and a specifically selected segment based on facts, not predictions!

2)Segment is Demographic: Online,paid advertising on special interest pages aimed at B2Cstrategy.

You are probably familiar with this method of tracking advertising responses. The CODE! Yup! It is your best friend. It comes in various forms: get a discount if you enter the code, have access to all my posts with the code, but in the end you have one aim. KNOW where you were seen! Each advertisement gets its own id tag. For example: Investmentgroup.com – Code: IG-128. Fishermansjournal.com –Code: FJ-128

Notice that its a good idea to make your codes logical, because in 1 year’s time you may not remember your campaign details. -128 is my version of hiding date reminders, 12- (December), 8 -(2008).

This may seem tedious at first, but if you keep your records updated consistently it gives you amazing leverage over picking the right segments, strategies, and tactics to work with. As the carpenters like to say, “measure twice, cut once”. It is the same for online business. Measure your results and ONLY than make a strategic decision!

Like in the first example, based on my best category responses I focus my efforts more on the specific Web Sites that bring me more traffic.

Understanding Why People Buy

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, everyone has to satisfy certain needs before they can achieve their maximum potential. In order of importance the needs are:

Physiological Needs > Safety Needs > Social Needs > Esteem Needs > Self-Actualization.

In marketing terms, people buy certain products or seek certain types of information to satisfy one or more of their needs. Of the five levels in Maslow’s Theory, the first two are basic needs, the last three are growing needs. At this point, people can find Web sites to satisfy every need in the five categories.

To increase your conversion rate ( the percent of site visitors who buy), match your message to the needs your products fulfill. If you identify the specific benefits that people are looking for, you are more likely to close the sale. For instance, an esteem message would talk about the exclusivity of owning jewellery from Tiffany’s, not about saving money.

Reaching Your Market Online

If you are sure how to define your market segments, check some of the online market research sites listed below. These sites offer a wealth of statistical data about the demographics of online users, what type of products sell well, and the growth of internet use by demographic segments.

If your target audience is not online, the Web should not be a part of your marketing mix for end user sales! It can still fulfill other functions .

ClickZ http://www.clickz.com/ Marketing, Stats, resources, articles and more
Internet System Consortium www.isc.org/index.pl?/ops/ds Internet domain survey host count
Internet.com http://www.internet.com/ Marketing Newsletter and Resource providers list
Marketing Sherpa http://www.marketingsherpa.com/ Case studies & free articles, fee based marketing library
Harris Interactive Report http://harrisinteractive.com/ Online market information

Taking Your Marketing to the Web

In this section:
*Absorbing the web into your overall business plans
*Rethink your marketing
*Basic web numbers everyone should know (on a constant basis)

Absorbing the web into your overall business plans

Just as in off-site businesses, on-line business requires an awareness of business fundamentals, a combination of marketing techniques and an indelible focus on your customer. Good, stable businesses that continue to grow over time, start with slowly building a customer list, experimenting with a variety of techniques until word -of -mouth marketing kicks in. A couple of things to keep in mind at this point.

You must have the business fundamentals right before you can have a truly successful Web site. Don’t confuse revenues with profit. Manage your cost, merchandising, and customer service to keep your bottom line a true profit!

Successful web marketing requires a combination of methods. Divide your web marketing budget wisely! As mentioned in previous articles, the key is to combine traditional media with online marketing efforts. Having said that, decide what portion you will devote to each, then break it down even further to what type of off-line advertising: (newspaper, radio, newsletter ect.)and Online advertising: (pay-per click, banner adds ect.) you want to do. Limit your list to 10 tools in each category for now, and pick the top 3 in each on/off line categories. These will be the first you will concentrate on if you are just starting out. Of the top 6 tools you picked assign a percentage value of your budget. Numbers do not have to be in equal proportions. As a general rule of thumb when you are launching a site assign a 70-30 ratio for offline-online respectively as your goal is to get the word out that your web site exists. Once you develop more unique visitors and build a community, it will make sense to change your budget to 70% online 30% offline advertising. The best marketing plans are actively revised as your marketing needs change. It should also be a live document that allows you to clearly see and forecast your profits at the close of each quarter. Yes! Ladies and gentlemen I did say quarterly NOT annual!

Take a moment to make your own list of marketing tools that would work for your business.
The customer is the measure of all things Web, from site design to marketing. It has been said many times, I am not reinventing the wheel here. But do you really think about your customer in everything you do? It is easy to get carried away with what technology can do for a website. It would be wiser however to consider some simple statistics on human behaviour. The number 7 is your best friend! General retention is: 7 words, that we can actually recall when reading. It takes 7 seconds to look at a billboard to remember details fully. 7 visits or more is the number of times a customer returns to your web site before they make a final decision to purchase or act on your offer. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Take the free lessons learned from some very expensive studies the big marketers already paid for. Customer retention will be discussed further in the next articles.

Rethink your marketing

If you are already in business, you know you have to spend money to make money. You may need to redistribute your marketing budget to free up funds for marketing online. Here’s a method to elevate your marketing analysis from guesswork to grand plan. First make a 4 column list organized as follows:
C.R. = Conversion Rate
Marketing Tool >>>Offline-Toronto Star
Target Market it Reaches>>> Busines Professionals 30-50 in TO
How many new cust. it brings >>>100 leads/campaign @5% C.R. is : 5 cust. x 56weeks = 280ppl
Cost Per Year>>> $2,500.- or $8.90/ customer
Marketing Tool>>> Online- Banner Ads
Target Market it reaches>>> Business Professionals 30-40 in TO, who make 50+ per year, read fishing magazines* and follow UFC online. *
How many new cust. it brings>>> 500 leads/adv @5% C.R. is : 25 cust x 56weeks=1400 ppl
Cost Per Year >>>$2,500.- or $1.78/ customer

* Online marketing tools allow for a much more targeted audience with a significantly lower acquisition cost per customer.

If you’ve been in business for a while, you might have forgotten some of your recurring marketing investments. Here are a few examples to spark your memory: A Yellow Pages listing, Canada411 is a must for any business, signs, business cards and letterhead, logo design, a listing in local business club directory, soccer team, newspapers or other print ads, direct mail, local fliers, word of mouth, radio spots, billboards, and so on. If you don’t have extra money to invest in developing and promoting a Web presence, decide which existing methods you can cut in favour of more cost effective online marketing. If you can duplicate your reach at lower cost online, you can put the difference into your Web site.

Reaching your current audience online

Using the brainstorming exercise in part 3, you now have your target audience defined in great detail. You know who they are, what they do and when. Its time to brainstorm once again, this time keeping this one question in mind. “ Where would I be, if I was my target market?” Knowing what you know about your audiences’ habits and likes make a list of specific places or websites a person visits. I am a big fan of the little sticky pads. One idea per page in any order it comes to you. When you run out of ideas arrange them in logical groupings that makes most sense to you. BAM ! You have your specifics on where to advertise to get the most out of your dollar. You may be a bit overwhelmed by ideas at this point. One good rule of thumb is – USE A RIFLE NOT A SHOTGUN- when you want to acquire new customers. You may have heard of guerrilla marketing, which is just a fancy term for take it one step at a time. Once your list of ideas is complete, you start one by one with “rifle” precision and work your way to the bottom of the list.

Its worth changing your mind !

Traditionally, brick and mortar stores offer a few products to many people. In contrast to this web marketing/sales provide many products to few people, at a lower per head cost and far greater return on investment. To prove this , consider the Long-tail theory of opportunities: a marketing model used by successful Websites.

The long tail, shown in the graph describes a situation in which a lot of low-frequency events (think sales for various products) add up to more than a few, high-frequency events. The low-frequency events tail off, but added together they make up more than half the total. This theory suggests that the reach of the Web is so vast that you can have a profitable business selling many items to a few people rather than spending a humongous marketing budget to sell a few items to many people. It works for Amazon.com and e-Bay. Why not for you? The trick is that those few people need to find your product in the vastness of cyberspace, or you have to find them! Hence the importance of a well defined target audience.

Basic web numbers everyone should know

There are three overarching points you should keep in mind when marketing your product/service. If you measure everything against these 3 criterias you will be fine!

Do you plans fit with the needs and interests of your target audience?
Do your plans make financial sense?
Are your plans within your capabilities to execute?

Rid yourself of the notion that marketing on the Web is free. You can spend a lot of money, a lot of time, or some combination of the two, but you can not get away without an investment of some sort. Before you go online, think hard about the numbers. As a good business person, consider these 3 benchmarks, which are described bellow.

The cost of customer acquisition

The more expensive your product or service, the more you must spend to acquire a new customer. The average cost of acquiring a new customer approximately equals the profit derived from an average customer’s purchase in the first year. In other words, you might not make a profit on your customers unless they spend more than average OR you retain them for more than one year.

To calculate your bottom line: cost of lead acquisition = marketing cost / # of leads.

Break even point

Break even is the number of sales at which revenues equal total cost. Anything over that is profit.

To calculate your bottom line: revenues – cost of goods = gross margin
Now, total your fixed costs (same charges you have every month: hosting, phone) for your Web site. Finally divide your fixed costs by your gross margin. That tells you how many sales you must make to pay for your basic Web expenses.

Return on investment

Return on investment (ROI) looks at the rate at which you recover your investment in site development or marketing. To calculate your ROI, simply divide profits (not revenue) by the amount of money invested to get a percentage rate of return:
Profit / investment = rate of return

Consumer Expectations has Forced Advertisers to Rethink Their Entire Marketing Strategy

An Overview of New Media Marketing

Today’s’ new media technology is allowing for more consumer control than ever before, giving the public complete control over what content they see and when they see it. As a result, this change in consumer expectations and media use has forced advertisers to rethink their entire marketing strategy. Big business can no longer depend on interruptive marketing tactics such as placing commercials in the middle of your favourite television show. Instead, advertisers have to think strategically about how to incorporate their marketing messages into the content that potential customers are actively seeking.

Today, more than 400 million people worldwide spend an average of 30 hours online per month. (Nielsen/NetRatings, April 2007) According to a March 2006 study by the Association of National Advertisers and Forrester Research, 78 percent of 133 national advertisers surveyed believe traditional advertising methods have become less effective in the past two years. As a result, overall network spending has declined, while advertisers invest significantly more in Internet advertising opportunities.

Truly effective Internet Marketing is a fresh new playing field where almost anything can be tested and implemented – at often a fraction of the cost of traditional media campaigns. This new media opens up exciting new options to reach consumers on a more effective and personal level than ever before. These new forms of marketing are much more accountable, and thus cost-effective, than any other form of advertising.

Here are just a few examples of how you can market your own site.

1.Make your Web Site the Center of All Your Marketing
2.Combine Traditional Ads with Keyword buys for Maximum Impact
3.Maximize the Effectiveness of Keyword Phrases
4.Use Every Opportunity to Create a Buzz
5.Effectively Combine Traditional and New Media
6.Take Advantage of Co-branding for maximum exposure
7.Use Message Boards and Blogs to Generate New Content
8.Encourage Audience Participation
9.Don’t Let Visitors Ignore Your Advertisers
10. Use Mobile Marketing