Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is the Cost of a Professional Writer

Professional Writing Fee Guidelines

Hiring a professional writer can be a daunting task. If you have it narrowed down to the one you would like to hire, you are one step closer to getting that perfectly targeted article to boost your online traffic.

What is the right price to pay for the services of a professional writer?

Prices for professional writing services range greatly, depending on the skill and experience of the writer you are dealing with. The right price to pay, is one that fits your budget and accomplishes your goals. Here is a general guideline to give you some ideas.

Advertising Material
Copy/Scripts/News Releases
$350 to $500 per page
$750 to $1,000 per project for brochures
$75 to $150 per hour

(articles commissioned by advertisers)
$0.40 to $2 per word
$100 to $3,000 per article
$40 to $100 per hour

Corporate/Business Writing
Reports/ Marketing Plans/ Technical Writing
$1 to $2 per word
$300 to $12,000 per project
$50 to $125 per hour

Varies according to publication/project
$30 to $60 per hour
$500 to $20,000 per project

Ghost Writing
Generally 2-3 times the usual rate
$10,000 to $50,000 flat fee
Entire advance + 50% of royalties

Writing only; layout extra
$0.30 to $1.50 per word
$400 to $6,000 per issue
$50 to $80 per hour

Smaller Community Newspapers
$0.10 to $0.50 per word
$75 to $1,000 per article
$75 to $500 per column

Online/Web Site Writing
Varies widely; "business" sites pay higher
$1 to $3 per word
$60 to $100 per hour

Trade/Special Interest Magazines
$0.30 to $2 per word
$500 to $4,000 per article
$300 to $1,000 per column

Radio (highly variable)
$40 to $80 per minute of script

Television (highly variable)
$60 to $130 per minute of script

Speech Writing
$500 to $8,000 per speech
$60 to $130 per hour

Edina Hodos is a Professional Web Content Writer and Researcher. Her online publication as Volunteer Expert, appears on , in the category of >>Internet Technologies>>Internet Media. Contact Edina for a quote. Professional Profile on LinkedIn.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Developing New Media Campaigns by Target Audience and Industry

Defining Your Target Audience LinkedIn Professional Profile

When you are stuck on how to drive more customers to your site, the first thing you should do is make a list of characteristics of your ideal customer.
You can figure out what type of customers you are trying to target by answering the following questions:

*What age group are you targeting?
*Is your audience primarily male or female?
*What is your target audience’s average household income.
*How computer literate are they?*Will they be more likely to access your website from home or work?
*Are they likely to have a high-speed or dial up Internet connection?
*What are their hobbies?
*What part of the country are they most likely to live in?
*Are they single or married?
*Do they have children?
*What is their education level?

The clearer the picture in your head, the better the appeal of your offering will be to your customers. I would go as far as to say, that imagining your audience’s day from their perspective gives you the best insight. From the time the person wakes up what kind of things does he read, see and listen to on the way to work. Does he have routines he follows? Ex: same coffee shop every morning, the people he talks to through out the day. At work how does he spend his time? What are his needs in terms of the stage of life he is at right now? How does he spend his free time? How much free time does he have? Thinking of your potential customers what else do you know about them that would help you fine tune what they need? The goal is to define the need first. ONLY than can you see where your product or service fits within that scale. Following through with this exercise of brainstorming will dramatically increase your success in delivering a clear, innovative message to a highly targeted audience.

Pause for a moment here, and take some notes on ideas that come to you no matter how trivial it may be. I would suggest getting a sticky notepad and assigning each idea on a separate page. We are all visual and such seeing things on a larger surface will allow you to clarify and group your ideas in a more streamlined manner as you proceed with making a marketing plan for your website.

What women look for on the Web

According to Women Trend, a Washington consulting firm, 80 percent of all household purchases are made by women, and since the year 2000 more than 52 percent of online shoppers are women. Women account for more than 50 percent of all stock ownership in American and Canada alike and control $7 trillion in consumer and business spending. The “because I’m worth it” slogan started in the cosmetics industry has spread well into other more affluent items like cars, home ownership and investments: advertisements that are geared specifically to women. The number of women who own their own businesses is on the rise, and they are now the primary purchasers of electronic equipment online (Wegert, May 2006).

Large corporations have realized this long ago. McDonald added healthy salads and wraps which far outsold their Big Mac combo, purchased usually by men. Home Depot added a design center to all its locations to meet the need of home decorators across the country. This is not to say that the male segment of any market should be ignored. But when you are thinking of where to focus your marketing efforts, thinking from a woman’s perspective could come handy in improving your bottom line.

There are some common trends confirmed by multiple studies about how women in general use the Internet. Women of all ages primarily use the internet to save time and money. They see the value in 24Hr availability and speed in comparing prices in the absence of sales pressure. Which could be, the reason why car and financial sites are now thriving!

Women also enjoy a sense of community. There is a reason that community-centered sites such as and are so successful. These sites not only give women a sense of community and comfort, they also help women with everyday life problems. The number of women who visit education, health and family sites is dramatically higher than the number of male visitors.

Pause for a moment and list 10 sites that you think a woman would visit, keeping your specific target audience in mind.

Using “Life Stages” to Find New Customers

We’ve all gone through major events in life that move us from one demographic to the next. During these major shifts in life stages, consumers are most open to trying and accepting new brands, which makes putting your brand or product in their viewing field critical for finding new, loyal customers. Think about the life stages that your target audience may go through and than put your product/service in their pathway at the appropriate time. Offering a free sample or other incentive to get this audience to try your product at this crucial time is key. Combine that with customer reviews and testimonials they can trust, and you are on your way to building a long-term relationship with a new customer. Once they have considered giving you a try, look for ways to get them to talk about it, in an honest way, to influence new customers. After all, chances are they are surrounding themselves with other people who are going through the same life stage.

Local Marketing Strategies with Search Engines

The Search Engines That Matter: Submitting your site for free to these four search engines will cover about 90% of the natural search market.

Studies have shown that the overwhelming majority of online buying happens locally. The transaction may be made online, but the product or service is actually attained or originates from a nearby location. Typically, an online shopper will use a search engine and type in the specific product or service along with his or her city. This also signifies that he or she has sufficiently researched the product and is now close to making a final buying decision. Therefore ensuring that your local business shows up on the search engines when a consumer is ready to buy is essential.

As with the local technology itself, a majority of the available listing options and ad buys are also still in beta-testing phase. A “city”+”service” search one day on Yahoo! Or MSN can provide completely different results a week later. Local search markets are still in a flux. If you don’t have first hand experience in search engine optimization, get an expert who can help you keep up with the trends in the local search market. Hire that someone NOW! Getting on local search engines is likely to get more expensive and more competitive as more businesses realize the importance of these targeted searches. Consumers have a way of getting used to things, and since buying happens locally: Local search features are an extremely valuable gateway to a larger, more targeted audience.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Online Coupons-Preference for Receiving Coupons Electronically is Compelling

As Seen on

Comment: None
Questioner: Y.E
Category: Internet Media-Success of Electronic Coupons
Private: No
Subject: Online coupons
Question: Hello,

I am the VP of marketing of a new and exciting product and I wonder
regarding the effectiveness of online coupons, do think it is an effective
tool, if not , what other methods do you recommend ?
Thank you!

Answer: By Edina, Allexperts Professional Profile.
Free Webwriting/ Webmarketing Solutions.
Feel free to ask a question!

The data analytics solutions firm , Perspective found that 95.5 percent
of respondents clip or print coupons, while 62.2 percent clip coupons,
as often
as once a week making electronic coupons effective tool ,
to reach consumers with a brand message.

Leveraging online coupons, can be one of the most effective methods
for making that important connection, that helps marketers attract
the right customers and keep them coming back.

Currently, 58.4 percent of respondents find coupons in newspapers
and magazines, 5.7 percent hunt for coupons online, and 4.4 percent
receive them via email. The preference for receiving coupons
electronically is compelling
. Nearly 22 percent of respondents
want to receive coupons via email, and 9.7 percent want to find
money-saving printables online.

Online Coupons Can Translate to Offline Activity

The key to coupons is targeting. The combined 32 percent of those
who prefer to receive coupons on the Internet and via email jumps
to 55 percent, provided the coupons are specifically tailored to the
interests of the consumer. Targeting your audience properly will
allow you to deliver greater value, and in turn a higher open rate
of your e-mails.

Hope this was helpful.

Edina Hodos is a Professional Web Content Writer and Researcher.
Her online publication as
Volunteer Expert appears on ,
in the category of >>Internet Technologies>>Internet Media.
Contact Edina for a quote. Professional Profile on LinkedIn.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Online Casino-How to Segment and Find Your Customers.

Category: Internet Media

Private: No
Subject: Online Casino-How to segment and find your customers.

Question: My company is in the process of revamping our website. We wish to cater to a new demographics of males, who play online casino. Can you give us some suggestion on:
1. How to segment this kind of market to more specifics
2. How to reach these people
3. Which method is best in your opinion?

Thanks for your time


Answer: by Edina, LinkedIn-Professional Profile

Research I have come across seems to suggest that online casinos have a slightly higher than half, female users. A segment that should not be ignored.

Segmenting can be done in various ways. Benchmarking yourself to industry leaders is a good way to start your segmenting. Here are a few numbers to show you what kind of customers has, your direct competition.


• has a traffic rank of: 54,431 ( 6,127)
•Speed: Fast (75% of sites are slower), Avg Load Time: 1.3 Seconds
•Other sites that link to this site: 1,724 users come from these countries:
France 34.0%
Germany 15.4%
Canada 11.2%
United States 7.2%
Denmark 4.4%

42% Male,
58% Female

Age of Users:
16% 12-17 year olds
25% 18-34
38% 35-49
29% 50 +

Family Size
66% No kids 12-17
9% Has Kids 0-2
18% Has Kids 12-17

Income Levels (this may supprise you!)
23% $0-30K
29% $30-60K
26% $60-100K
22% $100K +

Education Levels
52% No College
12% Graduate School

I would recommend finding at least another 3 competitors to get a more rounded picture.

Segmenting by markets is another way to zero in on your audience.

Understanding Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation : dividing your prospects into smaller sets of prospects who share certain characteristics, takes many different forms. Select the one that best fits your business. For your online marketing plan you need to locate the various sites on the web where your target audiences hang out. You need to know who they are!

Here are a few forms of market segmentation:

1-Demographic Segmentation: Sorts by age, gender, socioeconomic status, or education for B2C companies.

2-Lifecycle Segmentation: Acknowledges that consumers need different products at different stages of their life (teens, young singles, married couples, families with kids, empty nesters, active retirees, frail elderly)

3-Geographic Segmentation: Targets areas. Postal Code >City>Province> National>International

4-Vertical Industry Segmentation: Targets all elements within a defined industry as a B2B strategy.

5-Job Segmentation: Identifies different decision makers (such as engineers, purchasing agents, and managers) at specific point of the B2B sales cycle.

6-Specialty Segmentation: Targets a narrowly defined market ( such as 16-35 year old male owners of classic Mustangs)

Your online target audience may differ slightly from your offline audience. It might be more geographically diverse, wealthier, older, younger, more educated, more motivated by price than features or vice versa. The only way to discover these variations is from experience. Use the guerrilla tactic (one aim, or segment at a time).

Two reasons you should focus on one segment at a time,
1. It is cheaper and more manageable to take on one segment at a time
2. It allows for controlled evaluation, and as you add new segments each will be measurable individually.

Once you have a specific idea of who you are trying to reach, think of the places they would visit on the net. That is where you should develop a stronger presence. Lets look at the case of Intercasino. Their main audience is women with ages 35-50, with less than college education with kids in the teen years or out of the home, and an income of 30-40K. Chances are you may find these people on sites like hobby pages, shopping sites (if they have disposable income to play online casino,they will likely be shoppers as well)

If you are still stuck for ideas try using which will show you all the incoming links to your competitor's website. Take a look at who they are linked to and visit these sites. Do these sites have the same audience as your target market? If they do, consider advertising with them.

Banner ads are limited only by our creativity. Offer free play in return for e-mail sign up and build your future data base. If you do a good job at designing a landing page tied to each advertisement, your marketing efforts will translate into dollar figures when people sign-up to play with their own money.

I trust this was helpful.
I do not promote any product or service through this site. An honest review is always welcome and appreciated to assist in building my writing portfolio.
Thank you :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Finding Clients in the Travel Industry

As seen on

Comment: your answer was very helpful thank you
Questioner: ishmell
Category: Internet Media
Private: No
Subject: internet marketing

Hello, im a travel organzier and im currently in the process
looking for clients for my travel organizer business. Right now
im in the
process of constructing a website. I have explored
many options on
marketing, Im looking for clients locally,
across america and abroad,
I was wondering if you had any
different ideas on how to reach
travelers via internet
and ideas on creative marketing techniques.

What about blogging?
How can BLOGGING be as a benefit to my website and or profit?
Can email marketing be effective at seeing results?
Do you have any ideas for advertising/marketing that
could be effective?

Answer: Hello Ishmell

On the topic of Blogging.
I am a strong advocate of blogging for business websites.
It allows you to reach a larger targeted audience at a considerably
lower cost per customer. Conversion rates are arguably higher,
since you are reaching very targeted viewers that are more likely
to be interested in your offering.

On the downside, blogging is very labor intensive and even
with professional help has a development cycle of at least
6 months. With a static website, your aim is to make a direct sale.
In contrast to that blogging is interactive where you aim to
develop an ongoing relationship with your readership. First a
community of readers has to be built through valuable content.
Only than can you attempt to tie it to your product in hopes of
making a sale.

In a nutshell for a travel organizer such as yourself, your home
page may offer travel deals and your blog may cover topics like:
Top 10 Budget Trips, Top 10 Places to Visit Before You Die,
Trip Diaries of John Doe ect. Use applications like Flicker to
enhance visuals on your site.

"How can BLOGGING be as a benefit to my website and or profit?"

Topics you write about in your blog should reflect what you sell.
If you sell packages to Cancun, blog about,
once again...Top 10 Places in Cancun.

Reason: Search Engines index by keywords,
which simply means: the more often Cancun, Mexico appears
on your blog, the higher it is in google search hence the
more visits you get to your blog. Where it becomes profitable
is when your visitors click through to your website and
purchase your travel package.

On the Topic of E-mail Marketing:
It is beyond the scope of a page to answer you on that.
One thing worth considering is that the open rate of bulk
e-mail is about 2 percent at best. Unless you use your own contacts,
rented e-mail lists are available but have a lower open rate
of 0.7 percent. E-mail marketing is more effective if you have
time and money to invest.

On the subject of effective marketing ideas:
What marketing tool you use depends on what suits your
business strategy and goals. For the first phase of a website
or blog I would suggest concentrating on online and offline marketing.
Online examples are, Adsense, AdWord,,,
paid ads on other sites, free directories, manually submitting
your URL to search engines. Offline may be local paper, sponsoring
community events, contests to win a trip (great for building e-mail lists).

I trust this gives you some useful ideas.